Tennis Court Rules and Reservations
I just wanted to remind the community of our tennis court rules. Please help us take care of them so that we can enjoy them for many years!
PLEASE wheels on the courts (bikes, skateboards, roller blades, etc).
With the new website up and running, we now have the opportunity to reserve courts.
1, You will have to register on the website to have access to the Homeowner portal, but once you have done that, you can reserve a court.
2. After your reservation is complete, you will receive an email which you can print and take to the courts with you as proof of you reservation.
3. If you are reserving for group practice/lessons, please indicate that on the reservation so others will know there is a group and can adjust accordingly.
4. You can only reserve ONE court per time slot per homeowner household.
Thanks and enjoy.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Robin Toole